Do you ever look at other changemakers generating tons of buzz, raising all the resources, and influencing intergenerational change and think ... 

Do you see other changemakers generating tons of buzz, raising all the resources, and driving intergenerational change and think ... 

YAS! I'm here for it! But, can I do that too?

If you've been chugging away at your mission and pouring yourself into the community you serve, I know how frustrating it can be to feel invisible. The solution is thought leadership personal branding.

Are you ready to make waves?

Note: these services are currently only available to vip day alumni

i want to apply

Imagine attracting the right board members, investors, and champions to move your movement forward in a way that feels serendipitous. Getting inquiries from reporters, podcast hosts, and influencers wanting to interview you on the cause you have made your calling. Not worrying about where the next influx of resources will come from, because your audience is fully committed to your mission and the solutions you provide.

Most importantly, seeing the big vision you have envisioned in the world come to life.

Welcome to our 8-Week Thought Leadership Immersion

Ready to stand out as you stand up for your mission?

"Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

— maya

"This program transformed my business!"

I once ghostwrote a well-read column for our nonprofit's Executive Director. It took up precious time that could have been spent wearing any number of hats, yet after about three months …

People approached her at conferences, asking questions about her unique ideas and how to replicate them. Reporters came out of the woodwork to interview her as a subject matter expert. It was like magic.

Eventually I became an Executive Director. The strategy and schedule piece I had down by this point. But as a thirty-something woman of color, transforming my self-limiting beliefs about being the "face" of our organization turned out to be the real work.

Listen, I've been there and experienced the same thing.

It was only through immersing myself in my innate superpowers, the inner workings of our mission and the people we served did I learn to rise above imposter syndrome to change the world. I can guide you there too, using the same steps I learned. 

did that feel like a personal attack?

Together, we will develop your thought leadership branding to attract others into your vision, amplify your influence, and start a movement. This high touch program gives you a crystal-clear vision for the change you will make in the world and how to get there. 


8-Week Thought Leadership Immersion

You look good wearing all those hats, but I bet you are an absolute ROCKSTAR in one specific niche. We’ll find the intersection of your passion, credibility, lived experience, personal mission and big vision to find your thought leadership guiding star: your superpower. This stops imposter syndrome in its tracks because this is The Thing you were put on Earth to be. 

You are most uniquely equipped to help those in the position you once were in. Using guiding prompts, you'll learn storytelling technique to inspire others as you write the next chapter, together. This includes your elevator pitch, mission FAQ's, and brand personality work to help you stand out among your peers.

You’ll learn best practices for your LinkedIn profile: the digital cover of your thought leadership story. 

Here's What You'll Learn

Find your Thought Leadership Guiding Star 

Tell Your Story

week one

week two

Who do you want to attract more of? You will immerse yourself into that audience, doing 1:1 interviews to learn what drives them so you can provide solutions for them more effectively.

Interview scripts, processes, and persona/avatar templates are provided so you can jump right in to doing what you do best: serving others.

Practice Radical Empathy

week four

You'll learn how to naturally and organically expand your influence, attracting a growing audience of friends, fans, and followers.

Opportunities for collaboration will start materializing here so we review strategies to decide which prospects are right for you to pursue. 

Gather your Campfire Circle

week three


Get Strategic

week five

Take charge of your schedule and create soul-centered goals that are most important to your mission and vision. Using the “SMARTER” goal process, you’ll gain the clarity and focus you need to achieve these goals without distractions getting in your way.

You will identify the right channels for your message and communication style so that your thought leadership content is natural, authentic, and seen by the right audience. 

Good content stands out in the noise. It makes your audience “stop the scroll” to think, change their behavior, and decide they want more of what you have to offer.

You’ll learn to systematically plan, create and repurpose persuasive content that influences others to take action. With detailed guidance (and editing support), you will go live with a piece for your audience providing solution for their most pressing pain point.  

The Case for Content

week six

Become a Social Butterfly

week seven

You’ll learn to add your voice to the conversation on the right social media platform for you. You’ll painlessly create 30-90 days of social content that bring your followers along the “know, like, trust” funnel to become advocates for your work.

Five types of content prompts bring out various aspects of your thought leadership brand, enrolling your audience into your message. 

You’ll commit to keeping the momentum going so the barriers of the three S’s (schedules, stories, and strategies) are no match for your movement.

Thought leadership is comprised of many different building blocks. Some you’ll have mastered and others you are just beginning to build upon. You’ll take an assessment to highlight additional opportunities for development, which we address at our last session to create a roadmap forward. 

You've Come a Long Way, Baby

week eight

Consistently attract the right resources for your cause instead of worrying about where support will come from.

How does this sound?

Fill your inbox with dream allies that make your heart happy (and help you fulfill your vision.)



the results you're going to get:

Continuously get discovered by new followers who become fans - creating a MOVEMENT.


Break through imposter syndrome, amplify your voice, and become known as the expert in your niche


Take control of your schedule to prioritize your true goals and make shift happen.


let's talk

"This was way more than just learning visibility strategies. Tania led me through a soul searching journey to reprogram my subconscious ways of playing safe. I learned  how to engage supporters authentically (without ever feeling like I was ‘salesy’ or premeditated)."

Cat Richards

nonprofit director of operations


"I’ve struggled with self-confidence and ownership of my expertise. This workshop has helped me reframe what being a leader means and that my lived experiences are an invaluable part of my perspective as an expert.

Alexis Llamas

youth worker


real results

"I have TWO assistants but still struggle with an overpacked calendar and overwhelm. 

As I launched my first book, this workshop gave me the steps to clarify my message and get it in front of the right people (clinicians).  Ultimately, more clinicians really hearing what I have to say helps the LGBTQ community get sober ... and that's what it's all about for me."

Kristina Padilla

Author and Educator

Yes, It Really Works

"I knew I could help girls heal from bullying, yet I kept asking myself 'what makes me qualified?'

This work changed my perspective as I practiced taking up space, even when I was nervous. As I learned to share my story, I realized my lived experiences make me perfectly qualified to do this work and to help girls in the situation I healed from myself."

Andi Long

nonprofit founder

"Tania gets you to really think because she asks questions you've never asked yourself before. 

If you're willing to be vulnerable, Tania will guide you to your innate superpower and help you create a big vision and mission for your personal and professional journey."

Susan Kenny

fundraiser and human connector

LinkedIn can be the cover of your thought leadership story. Is your profile something your audience wants to read?

After your free discovery call, you'll get our foolproof guide whether we work together or not.  The world benefits from you becoming more discoverable by your target audience on LinkedIn, our favorite platform for thought leadership.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call and Get our Guide.

get your guide

Optimize your LinkedIn Profile


"When you're in your lane, there's no traffic."

— ava duvernay

stay motivated and build habits

lead based on your unique style

GROW and activate YOUR audience

Follow a proven roadmap

Frequently Asked Questions

What is thought leadership personal branding?

It's a strategy which showcases your expertise (especially lived experience) and positions you as the trusted voice to your target audience. 

I don't think of myself as a leader ... should I do this program?

Do you have a story that could help someone else? Is there a big problem in the world that you try to fix? If so, you are a leader. This program will help you amplify your reach and help more people. 

Every dollar is so critical. Why should I spend my money on this?

This program is an investment. If more people in your target audience knew, trusted, and liked you ... how would life be different? Would you attract donations and resources in excess of this initial investment? If you're willing to do the work, you will. 

Do you have payment plans?

Yes, we can split the payment into two installments. Also, partial scholarships are available for nonprofit leaders with organizational budgets below $500k or entrepreneurs with revenue below $100k.

How long will it take to get traction?

Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. But it will always work if you work for it. You are building a trusting relationship with an audience and trust takes time.

But engaging in an intentional thought leadership strategy generates momentum. You begin to attract opportunities to speak, write, or be heard instead of wrestling for visibility.

By the end of the 8-week program, you will be significantly more visible (and comfortable being seen) than you are now. And, you'll know the steps to take to grow from there.

I'm Tania, your new cheerleader and confidante.

Let's give your work the platform it deserves. I consult with a hybrid approach, guiding thought leadership branding strategy with coaching to banish imposter syndrome and reduce overwhelm.

more about me

hey there!

shoot me a note

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your work is vital. Reach out and share what's going on. We're here to help.

Still on the fence?