Self-Limiting Beliefs

Social Proof vs. Imposter Syndrome

October 1, 2021

All of us benefit from seeing written proof of our credibility, expertise, and ability every now and then.

Did you know 92% of people will trust a recommendation from a peer and 70% will trust a total stranger? It’s because of this psychological phenomenon called ‘social proof.’

But this note is not about sharing testimonials so you can convert more clients or raise more money (at least, not directly.)

Instead, I want you to create a ‘high-five file’ to quiet your itty bitty sh*tty committee (IBSC) when it gets a little too loud. All of us benefit from seeing written proof of our credibility, expertise, and ability every now and then.

How does it work?

Just keep an Outlook folder or Google file with all the positive testimonials you receive – from clients, co-workers, mentors, and others.

When you’re temporarily forgetting all the value you bring to the table, swipe through this folder. It helps!

This excerpt is one of the most recent additions to my 🙌🏽 file.

Because I empower women to stand out as an approachable authority in their niche through thought leadership and personal branding, I encounter “imposter-y” thoughts all the time.

“I don’t have enough experience to rock the boat and disrupt our field like this … what if someone calls me out?”

“LinkedIn is for real experts. I don’t even have a master’s degree. Will anybody listen to what I have to say?”

“What if nobody agrees with my opinion and I’m just out here looking like a fool? Or worse, what if nobody cares?”

Listen … true imposters don’t have thoughts like this (it’s true, google the Dunning-Kruger Effect.) So when these old tapes start to run, pull out your high-five file and remember:

1) How awesome you are!

2) How many people you’ve helped and supported.

3) How many more people there are out there who could benefit from your support.

I’m glad you’re around! Keep on shining. ✨

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I'm Tania, your new cheerleader & confidante.

Let's give your work the platform it deserves. I consult with a hybrid approach, guiding thought leadership personal branding strategy with support in dismantling imposter syndrome.

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