In this episode of The Campfire Circle podcast, I chat with Quinn Conyers, who transforms average events into EPIC experiences as an Energetic Emcee, Magnetic Moderator & Fantastic Facilitator for virtual, hybrid, or in-person events.
Quinn broadcasts the brilliance in Black women’s voices in business by training them how to turn conversations into cash, so they can profit from public speaking (virtually and in-person.) Quinn believes public speaking is the number one marketing strategy every woman in business (not just professional speakers, but all women) must master if she wants to be successful. Her goal is to empower women to maximize and monetize all speaking opportunities on behalf of their business, book, or brand, even if no one pays them an upfront speaker’s fee. We love it!
Highlights from the podcast episode:

Showing up online with confidence and energy [04:06]
Virtual events are here to stay, even as we (one day) reach the tail end of COVID-19. As Quinn says, folks are even more boring on a virtual platform than they are in-person. So, take it up to a level 15! You’ve got to cut through that noise and really show up to capture people’s attention. And hey, on the flip side of things, if a speaker really captured your attention and blew you away – let them know!
Discount dialect vs. luxury language [05:27]
Quinn works with speakers but also with women overall, who want to be successful entrepreneurs. Being a spokesperson and a “face” of your company comes with that territory. You’ve got to be seen and heard, but many women don’t know how to maximize those important opportunities. If you’re not getting as many opportunities to speak as you’d like, it may be time to retire those weak words (discount dialect) and replacing it with valuable words that truly articulate your awesomeness (luxury language). Wealthy words take people from simply interested to actually investing in you.
The one word to stop using TODAY in your business [08:23]
It may surprise you because this word is really standard: the word “help.” Quinn does not like that word for women because we’re already seen as nurturers. It’s very different when a man says he can help you: there’s a price tag and investment that comes with that. That can get lost in translation for women.
Download Quinn’s FREE Luxury Language List and learn how to give your business or brand message an instant makeover and stop being the “help.”
Rebranding the old elevator pitch into a verbal business card [14:33]
We have all heard of an elevator pitch. But we aren’t really on elevators anymore (and when we are, we’re just looking at our phones!) It’s time to rebrand and elevate the elevator pitch.
As entrepreneurs, the #1 question we get is: “What do you do?” If you want to succeed and raise revenue, this is THE question you’ve to answer. Don’t settle on this: this can change everything.
A verbal business card is an elevated and enhanced way of explaining what you do with confidence, clarity, and creativity so people will remember you and take you with them – just like an actual, tangible business card. It is results-driven and value-driven i.e. “if you work with me, this is what you can expect in exchange for your investment.”
How can you rock your potential client’s world? Let them know upfront!
Stepping into confidence – because you’re someone’s ticket to freedom! [18:32]
Your clients generally aren’t walking around with an open gash. But they’re operating at a certain level “good” and don’t even know they could be great. Quinn says you have a responsibility to your greatness to show up. What you do is so magical! So be intentional with your language, and show up as the “new and improved” you that always existed.
There’s something magical about a woman who knows who she is, and can articulate that. Toot your own horn! People pay attention, and respond to you in a different way. You’re no longer overlooked. This has always been who you are, and having the words to really explain that and celebrate that is a whole liberation.
Connect with Quinn Conyers
LinkedIn: Quinn Conyers
Instagram: @quinn.conyers
Demystify Linkedin with Tania
The people who can make your social impact vision come true are on LinkedIn. They’re probably even connected with you already!
Our LinkedIn VIP Day is a 1:1 intensive for purpose driven women who are ready to take their place as the trusted, go-to voice in their niche. To become an approachable expert. To stand out as you stand up for your mission.
Let’s create your personal brand strategy for LinkedIn using our 5-Step Framework. Learn more at:

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