My mentee wondered if she was knowledgeable enough in anything to create a signature talk, positioning her as a thought leader.
And if she did … would it even be interesting to anyone?
Many of us are too close to our expertise from working day in and day out in the trenches. We assume others know as much as we do. We forget what it feels like to be a beginner – or even to be in pre-contemplation.
So, we don’t share our lived experiences and wisdom. We don’t want to sound boring/boastful/repetitive/uninteresting.
“Who would even care about this?”
But for the right person … your know-how is groundbreaking. They’ve got a problem in their life and they’re looking for the right solutions.
I have a hunch that you have the answers that could really help someone in your audience. Over time, your thought leadership content and stories will attract the right people to you, creating a like-minded community of people ready to help you make shift happen.
For many of us, our target audience member is the person we once were.
Think about where you were at 2 years ago (or 20 years ago) and share what you wish you had known. Share the stories of what you’ve been through and what you’ve learned through trial and error.
Most importantly, just show up and be you. It will make a big impact for the right people.

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